Baby Batman # 4

Our brood of little Batman’s is growing again! We are expecting our fourth baby at the beginning of December and are thrilled.


I’ve always said I wanted four children and after the boys, just had a strong feeling that there was supposed to be one more in our family. Luke thankfully agreed and in January we decided to pursue getting pregnant.

Many of you already know our background, but in case others don’t, we conceived Lila easily, miscarried when she was 18 months old and then had unexplained secondary infertility. We tried for more than a year after my miscarriage with no luck and no real answers before pursuing fertility treatment, which led to conceiving twin boys, who are now three.

Since we had unexplained secondary infertility and no real medical reason why we couldn’t get pregnant, we decided to try on our own for awhile while also lining up next steps for treatment if it didn’t work. We met with our doctor in January and made plans to give it a go for six months on our own before getting help.

I started using the Ava bracelet to track my fertility closely. About three months into it, I went on a girls getaway to Mexico and kept joking with my friends that “maybe all I needed all along was a vacation!” The day after I got home, I tested without much anticipation and was shocked to see a very faint line.


For my readers who have infertility, I wrote a separate post outlining what I was doing differently this time vs when we struggled. I don’t know if it contributed to our success, but I know I always wanted to know what changed for people.

Thankfully that line got darker as the days went on and by 5.5 weeks pregnant my typical morning sickness (all day sickness really) kicked in. And boy this first trimester was a doozy! My sickness was worse than even with the twins. I was dry heaving every 15 minutes and vomiting several times per day.

On top of the morning sickness, I came down with a horrid stomach virus at 7 weeks that lasted a full six day. Then almost immediately after that, I got bronchitis and laryngitis for another 7 days. I began to wonder how the baby could survive with how sick I was.

My doctor is amazing and worked to get my the right medicine support so I could be functional during the day and curb the vomiting so I could keep food down. At 10 weeks we confirmed the pregnancy and that there is just ONE healthy babe. I am 13 weeks now and still battle nausea every day – with it being worst at 4pm on, but am hopeful it will subside like my other pregnancies around 15 weeks.

The kids are all super excited about the baby in mommy’s tummy. Lila wants it to be a girl and the boys want it to be a boy (of course). We all agree that our already crazy house is going to be even more fun with a baby around.


Thank you all for your well wishes and especially to my friends and family who supported me emotionally during this tough first trimester. We are so excited to meet this baby in December!