Dear Aldi Boy,
This week you turned five years old! You were SO into your birthday this year, asking Alexa to count the days for months ahead of time. You were so proud to tell everyone it was your birthday too.
Since you were so pumped, we of course had to go all out celebrating you. We had a big birthday party at the new bowling alley, then you woke up on your birthday to about 100 balloons your Dad blew up in the house, presents, donuts, and Lucky Charms. You took goodie bags to school for your preschool friends (with FIVE things in them because you are FIVE). Then we capped the day off with your annual homemade Hot Chocolate cake.

I just love you so much at this age buddy. You are generally very easy going, sweet, happy to go with the flow. You get dragged to all your siblings activities, but always manage to find ways to have fun. Like this fall when you went to your brother’s soccer tournament out of town. You made a friend at the field, gathered sticks, and found a hill to roll down repeatedly. You make any situation better!
You make friends easily and will often have a group of kids following you around at the park or playground. It’s adults you could do without! Pretty much the only adults you don’t mind acknowledging are me and your Dad. Sorry grandparents! Haha.

You love your siblings, all things sports, the color “rainbow,” eggs, Bluey, and reading the same bedtime book every night for months on end. You are a “do it myself!” boy who takes pride in keeping up with your older brothers. You often show me how strong you are by lifting me up.
A few months ago you ditched your own room to move in with Davis and Whitaker. You adore your older brothers and Lila. And except for the occasional ganging up on you from the twins, they adore you too. I often find you guys playing sports in the backyard, competing on Roblox, or just being silly (and loud!) all around the house.
You are the best baby of our family (even though you do NOT want to be called a baby). Your easy going nature, fun personality, and independent nature fits in perfectly. Thank you for making my life easy! lol

We love you so much Alden and can’t wait to see what your fifth year of life brings.
Love you buddy!