My little Aldi, you are three! Despite earning “big boy” status, you still insist you are “baby Aldi.” Your birthday this year included your annual hot chocolate cake made by mommy and driving around with your family to look at Christmas lights. I love this tradition and plan to keep it going even when you’re all grown up!

While last year’s birthday post mentioned you weren’t talking much yet, this year your speech has exploded and we pretty much can’t keep you quiet! You talk in a sweet, soft voice and I often have to put my ear right up to your mouth to hear you.

You are very easy-going and chill. In fact, this week was only the second time ever that you threw a tantrum while we were out (at gymnastics) and that was only due to daylight savings. You are just a happy guy who can find fun in any situation.

You are still obsessed with your siblings and love to get in the mix with whatever they are doing. Your favorite lately has been playing Mario Party or Mario Kart with them, and honestly, you do very well! When they have a friend over I often find you chasing them, pretending to be a “bad guy,” while saying “Ha Ha Ha!” in a scary (funny) voice. If we are at a party, I usually find you sweaty and red-faced from running around with the older kids.

You finally got your chance this year to play sports after watching on the sidelines. You tried basketball, soccer, and soon t-ball. While you can be a bit timid around the other older kids playing, you ask repeatedly after when you get to play again. You also have learned to swim independently at not even 3 1/2, making you our youngest. I have a feeling you will end up being our best athlete, which is saying a lot considering how athletic your siblings are.

It cracks me up what a spoiled, baby of the family you are sometimes. I call you Little Prince because the motto “what baby wants, baby gets” rings true around here. Lately, you’ve adopted this name yourself and have been asking me to “make eggs and feed me like a little prince.” This entails me hand-feeding you eggs in bed while you watch your iPad. I am such an enabler, but I can’t help it because you’re my last baby and so sweet. You know that if you want something your siblings or Dad, or I will get it for you because we all adore you.
Some of your favorite things include anything Mario, anything the color orange (your fav), your BFF Charlotte (who you say is pretty), gymnastics at the Y, all the eggs you can eat, and being with your family. Even though you are quiet and chill, you make your preferences known! These days you will only wear orange shirts (or Mario) and eat off orange plates. :)

Our family wasn’t complete until you joined, Alden. You are the perfect caboose to our group and we all love you so much. Next year you start preschool and while I am excited to watch you take that next step towards growing up, I will miss our days at home together. We have had so much fun going to art class, gymnastics, the coffee shop etc. I cherish the three+ years we’ve had together 24/7. Being with you has been one of the greatest joys of my life!

We love you so much our Aldi baldi, bitty boy, Aldeezy, little prince.