Sick, Sick, Sick

Our family was hit last week with a nasty head cold. One that I was silly enough to think I had successfully escaped with the help of my friends vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C. Sadly I woke up Monday blasted with all the mucousy, sneezy, headachy fun that comes with this bout of the cold, and come Thursday, I’m still down for the count.

Thankfully Luke has stepped in to take over more of the child care while I rest. There is something so seriously heart-melting about overhearing your husband and daughter chase each other around saying “zoom zoom! Super Lila!” Lets just say the little girl giggles were out of control.

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Tuesday night, after spending the afternoon with Lila, Luke said that when they were watching Daniel Tiger before bed, Lila snuggled up to him and said “I love you daddy. Give me a kiss.” I must admit I was a little jealous that he got her first real “I love you.”

But that jealousy very quickly changed to happiness that they have such a tight bond. The whole daddy daughter relationship is something special, and these two sure do love each other.

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It’s been pretty cute when Lila comes and visits me in bed and says “Mommy’s sick. Rest is best. It’s okay mommy, it’s okay” while patting my arm. Or when she brings over her doctor kit and gives me a shot in my ear or puts the stethoscope up to my eye. She’s also asked to do a lot of cuddling with me while we eat sore throat suckers.

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I’m hoping this is the only winter sickness our family gets hit with. From what I’ve heard there are some bad flus and colds making the rounds among my friends. Lets just say hand washing and healthy eating are going to be my MO from here on out.

I hope you’re all staying healthy this winter, or at the very least have someone to help carry your load so you can rest.





Three Stories from 2014

I sat down to write a post recapping 2014 today, but what came out was either negative in regard to all the stress our family went through this year with our move, botched house hunting, miscarriage, moving again etc, or overly “look on the bright side of things.”

If you’ve been reading my blog this year, you pretty much know what has gone down, so instead of recapping the year – highs and lows – I’m going to share some stories from the past few weeks. Just small moments that have made me pause and smile.

Luke and I were both raised with religion, and we are raising Lila Catholic. We pray before bed and at other random times, but admittedly we are not very good about praying before meals.

Well last night as we sat down to eat our sloppy joes over mashed sweet potatoes, I was about to dig in when Lila said “lets pray!” Then she put her hands together in what can best be described as two claws next to each other and sang “Jesus loves me this I knoooow. Amen!”

Our girl is quite perceptive and picked this song and habit up from spending the week with her Grammie & Gramps (Luke’s parents). It was a sweet moment and a reminder to slow down.

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Okay story number two. When I first met Luke’s family, it was over Thanksgiving at their house about six or seven years ago. I wanted to learn as much as I could about Luke, so I asked to see childhood photos or videos. Felicia put on a video from Christmas past when Luke was about 7 or so.

In the video Luke is shown opening a pack of baseball cards he apparently wanted desperately. After opening them he runs over to his mom and says “THANK YOU MOMMY!!!!” It was so sweet!

This Christmas, I thought of that video when Luke came over to me, his voice breathless “I’m really excited about all my presents! I just want to spend all day playing with them.” He was half joking, but I could tell he really was amped about his heart rate monitor, money clip and other presents. I love how Christmas can bring the giddy out of a 32 year old man.

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 9.36.07 AMLast story. Last year was Lila’s first Christmas not as a newborn, so I was thinking a lot about what traditions I wanted to start for her around the holidays. Growing up, Luke’s Grandpa would dress up as Santa on Christmas day. He still does this every year. Go Grandpa Batman!

Well, knowing my Dad and his proclivity to be a good sport, I proposed he start this tradition for Lila and the grand babies. He was all in. This year was our second annual visit from santa and Lila’s reaction was too funny not to share.

From the moment I said “Oh, look! I think someone is at the front door.” Lila immediately bolted to my mom, climbed into her lap and buried her face in her neck. Santa came in the front door and Lila peeked a look at him before covering her eyes with her hand. The horror of this man in red!!

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She didn’t cry or anything, and of course she gladly accepted his presents (before whipping back and burying her face in my mom), but I think it’s safe to say Lila was happy to see Santa GO! Maybe next year St. Nick.

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 9.41.44 AMSometimes the big events – happy or sad – take up the most space in our mind when we look back on the previous year, but sometimes its nice to remember all those small moments that make a day, a year or a life. 2014 was filled to the brim with these small, sweet but gone-in-a-flash memories. They are what I’m holding onto most from this year.

Thank you all for supporting me and lifting me up this past year. I am thankful for you all!

Dear Lila: You’re Two!

Dear Lila,

Today you turned two years old! This weekend we had a small family party for you at Gee and Mimi’s house. You got so many awesome presents like dress up clothes from Gee and Mimi, a doll house from Auntie Em and Uncle Matt, a rocking chair from Grammie and Gramps and on.

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Before your party we practiced blowing out candles. It was hard work! At first you got confused about which was blowing out and which was sucking air in, but after awhile you got the hang of it. Mommy may have helped you a little during the real thing.

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What can I say about you as a two year old? Well for starters, you are an absolute doll these days. I was telling daddy that lately it seems like nothing but good days with you. You sleep well, eat well, play well and generally are sweet as can be. We both really love that we can be home with you most days.

You have really taken to your new house. I was worried there may be a tough transition period, but you eased right in with no troubles. You continued to sleep like a champ and love playing in your new playroom. You still insist you have a “pink!!” house, and I have to gently remind you that “it’s green baby.”

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Speaking of pink. You have turned into quite a girly girl! At any given moment you will have three necklaces, multiple bracelets, a purse and your play makeup on. And I can forget about picking your clothes and shoes out these days. You are a little fashionista and want to pick it out for yourself!

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You are talking a lot these days and saying the cutest things. One of my favorites is when you want me to hold you, you ask “Mama, hole shoo me!” (mama hold you me). You’re still working on those pronouns. :) You also have very nice manners and always say your please, thank you and no thank you’s. We have never really “taught” you to say these things, but just focused on modeling for you, so it’s sweet to see that you’ve picked up on it.

Our days together are busy and fun. You take gymnastics and go to story time with cousin reagan, and then you and I do swim lessons on Friday. Otherwise, we spend time with friends at playdates, go to the zoo or museum or just play together at home. You like to be on the go and often ask me “Mama, I go bye bye peez.”

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It can take you awhile to warm up to people you aren’t as familiar with, but once you are comfortable, you LOVE your friends and family. Whenever you see your cousin Reagan, you girls scream and giggle while you play.

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You also adore your cousin Mabel and constantly ask to watch videos of her on my phone. You love spending time with your grandparents in Ohio and Indiana, which makes daddy and I so happy. In terms of animals, you love, love, love grammie’s cat Frankie. From what I hear, he loves you right back (even when you try to put your jewelry on him).

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I know it sounds cheesy, but you really do light up our lives. Every day with you feels like a special gift. When daddy or I get stressed out or anxious about all the responsibilities in life, you can instantly lift our spirits with your smiles, hugs and kisses.

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We love you so much baby. Happy second birthday!!


Time For a Reset

The “TWO’s” have hit our household and they’ve taken our sweet girl on quite a roller coaster ride.

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It seems one minute she’s up – smiling, giggling, dancing – and the next she’s bawling her eyes out. It hasn’t helped that the dreaded two-year molars have made their first white swollen appearance under her gums as well.

I’m just starting my journey into parenting an almost two-year-old, but already I have one “trick” in my bag. I call it the reset. Here’s a story to illustrate.

Most nights Lila will go to sleep around 7:15 without a peep. We do her bedtime routine, sing Twinkle Twinkle next to her bed and she says “Nigh Nigh!” and falls asleep. Last night was not “most nights.” After being agitated all through her bedtime routine, we put Lila in her crib and said goodnight.

She cried and cried for a bit, so daddy went in to soothe her. More books, one more Twinkle Twinkle, then back to bed. I took a shower and when I got out she was still crying .. this time the pitiful sobbing type of cry. I wrapped my head in a towel, put on my robe and got my little girl out of her bed.

“You’re having a hard time resting your body, huh? Do you need a reset?”

“YEEEEAAAAHHHH!” hiccup hiccup.

I carried my little ball of whimpers out of her room and down to the basement, where we watched 10 minutes of my favorite dancing show “So You Think You Can Dance.” We figured out in that time that Lila was TOO HOT! in her long sleeve footed jammies, so we took them off. She sat still in my lap (!!!!) and watched the dancers move across the screen.

When the commercial came on, I said “okay baby, our reset is over, let’s go back to your room.” I sang her one last Twinkle Twinkle and went to lay her in her bed. And wouldn’t you know it? She looked up and said “thank you!” before burying her head in her mattress.

Ha! I got a thank you from my toddler at bedtime. The power of a reset is strong I guess.

I find myself using this reset tactic often these days. It’s like when things get too overwhelming for her for some reason, we’ll just take a step back and let the pressure of that situation diffuse before trying again.

I’ve realized lately that I too am in a reset period. We are patiently waiting for my hormone levels to return to normal (I still have elevated hcg), so I can get back into a cycle. I cannot run any of the tests I want that will help show if the miscarriage was just normal or caused by an underlying issue until this happens.

At first I felt extremely frustrated by all the waiting I had to do. It’s hard not to feel like you’re “falling behind” the plan you have for your family when you have a miscarriage. It brings up a lot of questions, stress and worry. But after thinking about how well a reset works for Lila when she’s upset, I’ve realized that maybe I should think of this time as my own reset. A space for me to emotionally heal from my miscarriage and get back to feeling healthy again. Looking at this waiting period as a reset, has helped the pressure dissolve.

One of the best parts of being a parent is when these little realizations happen. When you notice that just when you think you’re the one helping your child learn, it ends up they’re teaching you about life right at the same time.