Dear Lila,
Welp, I missed a year. I guess that just shows how full of sports, travel, family time, and fun our lives have been. So this post will be a look back on you as a 10 and 11 year old, considering you just turned 12.

The past two years have been transformative ones for you. First, you switched schools from St. Rose (20 kids in your grade) to public school at Perrysburg (500+ kids in your grade). While you took this on with excitement and bravery, it wasn’t without it’s bumps. You had to navigate new friendships, say goodbye to old ones, and figure out your new place among your peers. It took about a year for this transition to happen fully, but now you’ve found a great group of friends and are thriving at school and socially.
I’ve also seen a transformation for your confidence. You are pretty introverted and at times could be very quiet. I will admit I didn’t always understand this being that I am a very outgoing person naturally. But your Dad assured me that he was similar at your age and to just let you work through it on your own. While you keep your circle small, you have really blossomed socially. Now as a 12 year old, you are comfortable being yourself with teachers, coaches and peers. I really have a strong sense of yourself.
Physically you have grown to be 5’10”, wear a size 11.5 shoe, and yet somehow are still coordinated and athletic. While you still play allll the sports – travel softball, club volleyball, two basketball teams – you have made softball pitching your #1. You work very hard at honing your pitching craft, often practicing 5 times a week even out of season. Watching you develop your passion for softball has been so fun for me. I love watching you in all your sports, but there’s something so special seeing you out on the mound!

I love spending time with you – driving you to and from all your activities, taking you and your friends to a haunted house, and even satisfying your Canes, Starbucks, and Chipotle cravings. The truth is you are such a great kid that I don’t mind spoiling you.
Keep working hard, being true to yourself, and loving those around you. You are going to do incredible things and I’m so happy to be a small part of it!

Love always,