Dear Boys,
You both are technically 8 and a half right now, but no one is counting, right?? You two are at a very fun age. You are starting to be more like big kids, where we can talk about life and go on fun adventures, but you’re also still my little boys.

This year you are in second grade at St. Rose, are both playing a lot of sports (soccer is both your favorite), and are still best friends. You still very much are a package deal – doing all the same activities, sharing friendships, and generally wanting to be together 24/7. Your best friends are Carter, your cousin, and Max. You both love nothing more than to have them over to play and the moment they leave, you immediately call them to play games online together.

You are both insanely smart, scoring in the 99th and 98th percentile for math and reading. School is a bit too easy for you right now, so we are taking you one a week to a math enrichment tutor. You’d think this might be something you disliked going to, but it’s the exact opposite. You both LOVE going to do extra math and are very proud of what she teaches you. This week is was multiplication.
Davis, you are still my snuggler often asking me to scratch your head, tickle your arms, or draw letters on your back. You are a perfectionist through and through and can get quite upset when you don’t do something to your standards. We see this a lot when you’re doing origami, a lego set, or drawing. Unfortunately you’ve surpassed my abilities in all of those, so I’m not much help!

This fall you had your first reconciliation and you of course were the FIRST person in line to see the priest and reported that you told him not one sin, but seven. Haha! You always push yourself to do your best, and hold yourself to a very high standard. Along with this, you HATE losing. It’s not that you necessarily love winning, it’s that you cannot stand losing. lol! This will serve you very well in life, sports, and work, but I also hope you give yourself grace too.
While you may not be as big as your brother, you excel in your sports thanks to your aggressiveness, focus, and hard work. You play defense for your GTFC soccer team and are not afraid to pressure boys who are two years older than you. This summer you won swimmer of the year in your age group for all the extra time you spent practicing and improving in the pool. You were so proud!

Whitaker, you are my wild man with the biggest heart. Your ADHD sometimes (ok a lot of times) makes you loud, rambunctious, and impossible to contain, but you are also the boy who says “I love you mom. You’re the best mom in the whole world!” every night at bedtime. While our house might be quieter and cleaner, it certainly would not be filled with as much fun or love without you.

You are very tall and very strong for your age. The past two years you won the Cross Country Championships meet! It was so exciting watching and cheering for you. You are becoming more athletic and coordinated as you get older. I think you’ll wind up being a great athlete once you settle into your body and develop your focus a bit.

You are a very social kid who loves being with your friends. You like to make people laugh and can be very silly. You are the jokester in our family for sure. I often have to tell Davis to STOP laughing at you because it just riles you up even more. But let’s be honest, it’s nearly impossible for him to not be entertained by you. You guys even made up your own language “BIB & Mai!” lol

You both are wonderful little boys who are doing very well in school. Our house is very full of crazy boy energy thanks to you two and your little brother, but we wouldn’t change a thing. We have fun watching all your crazy antics and thankfully we don’t live in an open floor plan house, so there are pockets of quiet to be found! lol

I love you both so much and am so thankful God made me a twin mom, and even moreso a twin BOY mom! Keep having fun, loving each other and your family, and being your best selves.