Hey boys – you’re six now! It’s crazy to me to think how much you’ve grown up. It feels not long ago that you were teeny preemies in the hospital, and now you’re rambunctious, strong little boys.

We did it big for your birthday this year! You had a joint birthday party at the Maumee Indoor movie theater with your best bud, Max. We invited your whole class and watched Sonic 1. You guys had a blast running all around the theater with your classmates.

Some other highlights from this past year were our family trip to Cancun for Mimi’s 70th, watching you both start to play basketball & baseball, and celebrating your graduation from preschool.

This year you boys started really becoming your own separate people with your own separate interests. For a long time you guys almost seemed like one unit, lovingly called “The Brothers,” who did everything together and liked all the same things.
Lately, though, your interests have started to diverge and you even have been making more of your own unique friendships. While this has sometimes led to more sibling fights and disagreements, I think it’s good for you to explore your independence.

Whitaker you are my loud, physical, ACTIVE boy who has a heart of gold. You are the first one to offer something you have to a friend if they want it because you love to make people happy. The other day we went to the Lucas County Fair and your buddy Max couldn’t eat the ice cream because of his allergy. While all the other kids got their ice cream, you quickly said “I want to wait until we find a place Max can eat so he’s not left out!” You have a very sweet heart.

Like most six-year-old boys, you are extremely active and loud. You proudly proclaim “mom at least you can always hear me from the back of the car because I’m so loud!” Haha! You are just full of energy and sometimes it is too much for you to contain.

Despite being in the 99% for height and being built like a little muscle man, you currently have little interest in sports. You’d prefer to spend your days swimming at the pool, playing with your friends, or jumping on the bounce house in the backyard. You are very social and like to be around your friends playing pretend, ghost in the graveyard, or tag.

Although at times you are rough and tumble, you still want mom and dad near you most of the time. Of all the kids, you have the hardest time when a babysitter does your bedtime and can get scared to try new things.
This summer we went to the lake house and you were afraid to swim in the open lake. After some coaxing, I got you to jump in with me and you loved it! I am hoping little by little you start to face your fears and build confidence as you do.

Whit you are a great kid, with a big heart. I can’t wait to see how you grow this year and what new experiences you have.

Davis, you are still my snuggly guy who frequently asks me to “snuggle me.” You like when I scratch your back and tickle you. You have a sweet, happy demeanor that I adore. Sometimes you’ll just walk by me and flash a huge smile as you go.

While your brother is loud, you can be so quiet that I have to ask you to repeat yourself 5x before I can hear you (sorry your mom has bad hearing!). You are a gentle soul who can spend hours outside, looking for monarch eggs, playing with sticks, and generally being lost in your own magical world.

You found a competitive streak this year and loved participating in swim team, baseball and golf. With this competitiveness, you’ve started comparing yourself to your brother. You often ask when you’ll grow as tall Whitaker. I just tell you to focus on your “personal best” and that everyone grows at a different pace!
You have gotten really into your own unique hobbies this year including origami and rubiks cubes. You say you want to “be a cuber” and pretty much always have a cube in hand. It’s pretty impressive how you learn algorithms and focus until you solve them.
You like to try new things and put yourself out of your comfort zone even when scared. At the lake this summer, you worked up the courage to go on the jet ski with me and we went all the way to 27 mph! You were so excited.

You make friends easily and are usually the first one to approach kids at the playground and organize a game of tag. One of your classmate’s moms told me her daughter said “That Davis is as sweet as a kitten!” and I totally agree. You are made of sugar and honey!

Six is going to be a big year for you both. You are starting kindergarten, will learn new skills like how to read, and will start your first real competitive sport – cross country! I can’t wait to see how you grow, mature, and continue to be great little boys.

Your Dad and I love you both so much. While the two of you can drive us absolutely up the wall with your crazy antics – like your nightly wrestle mania matches – we love the fun, laughs, and chaos you bring to our house. There’s never a dull moment and someday I will miss it all.

We feel so lucky to be raising little boys and know you’re going to grow up to be wonderful men. Keep being the best you that you can be.
Love always,