Update On the New Gig

Since starting my new job at Heavenly, I’ve been thrown into the mix pretty quickly. I started during the busiest time of year and  came into a position that has been vacant for a couple months, so there was a lot to do right away.

That’s fine with me though. I’d much rather be busy and contributing than have a loooong transition and feel like I’m not helping. What can I say? I’m definitely type A when it comes to my career.

Luckily my colleagues have been super supportive and helpful. It’s pretty cool to be in a work environment where everyone shares a similar passion…in this case for skiing/riding. I sense that everyone I work with is happy to be there, which I’m not sure you find in most work places.

I mean how can you not be happy when you work in such a fun industry and in one of the most beautiful places?

I remember when I first started working out of college. I had so much enthusiasm and excitement about my job. I was learning so much and truly enjoyed what I was doing. Those same feelings are back, and that feels good!