Only I Would Get Hurt at Yoga / Handmade Heating Packs

Soooo, yeah. Remember last week when I blogged that I took my first yoga class and loved it!? Well, that love has quickly turned into hate. I hurt my back during my second class!

I know, I know….who gets injured doing yoga???

I took a class last Tuesday that involved a lot of twisting and stretching of my back. Appartenly the athlete in me didn’t realize that yoga is about bringing balance to your body and NOT pushing each stretch to the absolute limit until you’re hurt.

The odd thing was that during and after the class I felt fine. The next morning I felt fine. Then around 11 am things started to go downhill quickly.

My whole back tightened all the way up my neck, so I could hardly look left or right. The next morning was even worse- I could hardly get out of bed and almost started crying while trying to wash my hair.

Six days, several ice packs, heating pads, husband massages and IB Profuen tablets later, and I’m finally starting to feel somewhat normal again. It probably didn’t help that I skied three days in a row during our trip to Breckenridge, but there was NO  WAY I was sitting out due to a yoga injury!

Luckily, right before this little mishap, I had purchased a homemade heating pad off etsy.

Filled with rice and flax, this wrap provided 45 minutes of soothing heat to my stiff neck and shoulders after just 45 seconds in the microwave. Plus it traveled really well.

These heating pads have become my go-to gift for friends/family who are feeling stressed out. They’re in expensive and very useful. My best friend (and big cat lover) Julia just got this Kitty Heating Pad in the mail from me after she went through a crazy time in her residency.

I laugh every time I think about her wearing a giant cat around her neck. lol!

Anyway, I’m glad I had one of these on hand during my little injury or poor Luke would have likely heard “my back hurts!” even more than he did this week. ;)

I hope you all had a more pain-free weekend.

Bleh, Bleh, Bleh

I usually try to make sure  my blog posts are written in an uplifting, positive way,  but I’ve been having a weird couple of days this week. For really no reason at all, I’ve been feeling pretty bleh. Like I am just in a minor bad mood with no cause.

The annoying part is that I WANT to be a really good mood. The sun is shining, I’ve been working out a lot this week and we’re even going on vacation to Breckenridge this weekend. *SIGH*

It’s always frustrating when your emotions don’t obey your mind. Like “Uh, hey there feelings, why don’t ya liven up a bit there….you don’t have much to be down about!”

Days like this make me have a lot of respect for people who work in places like amusement parks or pre-schools who are always energetic, positive and social. How do they do it?!

I guess the best thing I can do it just ride it out and try to be introspective to figure out why I am feeling this way. And hopefully a few days out in the Colorado sunshine will perk my spirits up. :)

Do you ever have days where you just feel bleh for no reason?

I Took My First Yoga Class Last Night…

I took my first yoga class last night at High Altitude Fitness. It was very enjoyable I must say. I don’t know why I haven’t taken this up before?

Click Image for Source

We started off sitting on our mats, crossed legged with no shoes on. Our hands rested on our knees with our palms facing up. We did some breathing exercises where we were encouraged to “push aside” everything going on in our lives and focus on our bodies.

At first I thought – uh…you mean I’m supposed to NOT think about that project I have at work, or how Bethenny Ever After is on tonight OR how my game of Angry Birds is going? Impossible! :)

Soon though, I found myself lost in the class, focused on my breathing and relaxation, while everything else sort of melted away. Again- why did I never do this before?

One of the big reasons why I dug this yoga class is because it helped with my anxiety. Unfortunately, I am prone to feeling anxious – my body just handles stress worse than others. When going through even a slightly stressful situation, I feel short of breath, my chest gets tight and I have a constant nervous feeling I can’t shake.

People who haven’t had anxiety don’t get it. I get a lot of “just stop being nervous” or “it’s not a big deal though.” And while my head knows it’s nothing to worry about, I just can’t shut my body off! It’s the pits.

Several years ago I stopped drinking caffeine. That helped. And I also learned how to live through times when I felt anxious. Hugs from Luke help ease it too. :)

It’s gotten 100x better since moving to Tahoe. I think it’s a mix of living in such a beautiful place, getting more exercise outside and working at a ski resort. Oh and still not drinking caffeine – one week I accidentally made regular all week and didn’t understand why my anxiety was out of control!

Anyway, back to the yoga class. It was pretty crazy to me how much more flexible I became as the class went on- mainly because I was focused on relaxing my muscles. I never realized how much tightness I carry around in my shoulders, hands and legs all the time.

We did several balance poses, strength poses where you hold yourself up, and even headstands! I was told later that headstands are a fairly advanced move, so I was happy that I was able to do them without a problem.

At the end of the class, I felt really good. My hips and back – sore from sitting 8 hours a day – were open and stretched, my heart rate was up, but I didn’t feel run down or exhausted, and my head felt clear and relaxed. I slept like a log too.

Have you guys done yoga before? What do you do to ease stress and feel relaxed?

Family Reunion in Lake Tahoe

Living across the country from most of our friends and family is definitely one of the negatives of our new life. Luckily we chose a place that is an awesome vacation spot, which has resulted in a lot of visits from the people we love.

One of the visits I am most excited about will happen this August when my entire immediate family (on the Cron side) is coming for a family reunion in Lake Tahoe to celebrate my mom’s 60th birthday! So that’s my parents, brother and his wife, sister and her husband and Luke and me.

I can’t wait to have them all out here AND in the best month in Tahoe too. I’ve already got a ton of Lake Tahoe activities in mind- lazy river, kayaking, renting jet skis, hiking, dinner boat cruises, golfing, spa day…

Since the family reunion is taking place in Tahoe, Luke and I have been tasked with starting the planning. The first order of business? Finding a vacation rental near Lake Tahoe. VRBO (vacation rentals by owner) literally has hundreds of four-bedroom listings, which I’ve narrowed down to four viable options.

We’re having a tough time deciding which is best, so I thought I’d let you guys weigh in (plus it’s fun to look at beautiful houses). These are all similar in price  (less than $100/night/couple!) and location so let’s vote based solely on looks.

Click the image to go to each individual listing with more photos

House #1.

Lake Tahoe Rental HouseHouse # 2.

House # 3.

Lake Tahoe Lake HouseHouse #4

Tahoe City Rental

I’m still so shocked that we can rent such an amazing house for so little! Right now I think we’re leaning toward #1 because of the big deck. Which house would do you think we should get?