The New & Improved ABattyLife!

All my talk about “shaking things up” has motivated me to FINALLY launch the redesign of my blog I mentioned way back in August on my one-year blogging anniversary.

TA-DA! Here it is!

I chose this design because of it’s ability to let me post much larger photos than my old design. Like this crazy-pretty sunset from last week.

I love taking photos and always felt a little sad when they were shrunk to a small size in my old posts.

This design also lets me distinguish categories for my posts so you guys can search for what you want easier. I still get a lot of friends in Chicago asking me how they can find all my wedding advice, so now it’s all available in the “wedding resources” tab above. Same thing with my food and gift/party posts.

The header is a little cheesy, I know, but couldn’t help myself when the option to get a cartoon graphic made of Luke and I popped up! My pal Kieran, the same guy who did our wedding invites,  did that image for me.

So what do you think? Are you digging the new look & feel of my blog? Bear with me while I work out the kinks.

Breaking Out of the Routine

We’ve officially been living in Lake Tahoe for almost two months. Life is settling down and we’re getting into a daily routine.


Wake up > shower > drive to work with coffee/radio > work, work, work > drive home > stop at grocery store > make dinner > watch Luke do the dishes :) > read/watch tv > go to sleep.


Wake up > have coffee and breakfast > drive to mountain > ski, ski, ski > drive home > pick up dinner > take a loooong steam shower > relax > pass out from exhaustion.

You’d think after all the stress of moving, I’d  be happy to welcome a regular routine, but actually, part of me misses all that excitement I felt during our move.

It’s not that I’m not thrilled with our life here, it’s just getting back to a more “normal” existence is leaving me a little desirous of something exciting to happen.

My mom says I’ve always been like this. As a child I used to tell her “Mom I have NOTHING to look forward to!!” even though I had plenty of fun things going on.

Luckily, I have some events on the horizon that should shake my routine up a bit.

– Next Saturday, Luke and I are having a date night in Reno. We’re going to the Adam Carolla comedy show and then staying the night at the casino.

– In February, two of our dear friends are coming to visit from Florida for the weekend.

– In March, we are going to Breckenridge to visit our friend who also just started working for Vail Resorts and of course skiing.

– In May, I am going to Vegas with some of my college girlfriends. I’ve never been with friends (always for work) so I’m super excited  about this one!

What do you do when you want to break out of your regular routine?

What Drives a Man to Approach a Woman?

This morning on the way into work, I was listening to the Wild 102.9 morning show on the radio. They were talking about a new study that Ok Cupid released about dating. I can’t find the study online, but the jist of it is this:

Men are more likely to message/approach a woman who is moderately attractive vs. a woman who is beautiful because the chances of rejection are lower and therefore less of a threat to their egos.

The men who called into the show backed up this theory, saying they don’t bother hitting on a girl who is a 9 or 10 because they’re sure she has men lined up around the corner, and they don’t want to waste their time with a girl who is in demand.

The women who called in expressed their frustration revealing that in fact, the beautiful girls are rarely if ever hit on while their less-attractive counter-parts are the ones with guys lined up.

This whole debate hit home for me. During my single years, I too was plagued with the “never gets hit on” disease. It was really frustrating! I couldn’t understand what was different about me from my friends that led guys to avoid approaching me.

I was told that it was because I was “intimidating” with my height (5’11), trendy clothes and outgoing personality. I always felt annoyed by that….what was I supposed to do? Make myself more plain jane just so I didn’t scare the poor, frightened men off? :)

Eventually I stopped waiting for the guys to come up to me and took the situation into my own hands by casually striking up a conversation with a guy I was attracted to.

Once the initial conversation was started, it always went well and usually ended up in a date or future contact, but it bothered me that I had to do all the initial work.

Even with Luke, I had to ask our mutual friend to introduce us when I noticed him looking at me, but not making a move. He claims he would have come up to me eventually, but I have my doubts.

So what do you think? Do men really target modestly-attractive women over more striking ones? Or is that just something women who don’t get hit on tell themselves so they feel better?

Men- what drives you to approach a woman? When do you stay away from a pretty girl?

The Final Piece of the Puzzle

Luke, more so than anyone, has felt the most stress from this move. It’s not easy to lead the charge on packing and moving 1,900+ miles, buying cars, getting acclimated to a totally different lifestyle – AND worrying about finding a new job (esp while your wife is MIA working her butt off).

I think it’s no secret that for a man, a lot of his self-identity is tied to what he does for a living. That’s why I know it was incredibly hard for Luke to give up his job in Chicago to let me pursue my dreams here at Heavenly. Not many guys would do that.

He’s been not working for about a month now, and while he has been taking advantage of the time off by skiing nearly every day, I know the anxiety and worry was weighing on him.

That’s why I’m so happy to share that he was offered and accepted a great job yesterday! He’s going to be a senior accountant with a young, fresh company in the gold-mining industry. The job will involve some travel to Mexico, international accounting and many really great benefits.

I’m so proud of him for securing not only a job during a time when unemployment is so high, but a really good job at that! He’s a pretty remarkable guy.

This was the final piece of the puzzle for us before we could relax and really enjoy our new lifestyle. It’s all smiles from here…