How Will I know?

This weekend we attended a Halloween party with some of our friends. We dressed as some totally random, inanimate objects- ketchup and mustard. Lol!

During the party, the topic of relationships came up. Being the only married couple there, someone asked how we knew our relationship was marriage material.

I told them what my Dad told me. His method of analysis is extremely simple, but also pretty accurate in predicting a good relationship.

Ask yourself two things…

Does your relationship make you feel like this most of the time?

Or like this?

I know that seems like an over-simplified way to judge if you’re well-matched with your beau, but really, in my experience when it’s right you really are happy most of the time.

When I first started dating Luke the ease into which our relationship progressed startled me. It was just smooth sailing all the time and it was a little unnerving.

I was so trained to think that fighting and making up equaled “passion.” When I thought about it though, the lows in those scenarios weren’t worth the temporary highs. I also noticed all those relationships eventually ended.

Sure we have our squabbles, like this morning when I spilt toothpaste on the counter and didn’t clean it (sorry babe!), but really I can count the number of legit fights we’ve ever had on less than one hand.

Some of my friends didn’t really seem to buy my response. In fact, a couple (mainly guys) commented that my idea of a good relationship sounded boring and monotonous without the drama fighting can bring.

I guess I can see where they’re coming from, but I’d argue that getting along is MUCH better than not getting along. Who really likes being around that couple who constantly bickers and makes up while trying to play it off as “cute?”

Even worse? Living as that couple everyday.

But maybe that’s just me. Do you guys find a healthy dose of arguing is good for a relationship? Or do you prefer to be with someone who you get along with most of the time?

Five Seconds of Your Time Today, Please

Can you guys pitch in and do me a favor today?

My friend and colleague Lauren needs your support in a big way. In December, Lauren was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She’s been kicking cancer’s butt since then all while keeping a smile on her face.

Now we need YOUR help! Lauren is in the final rounds of a contest that would give her $10,000 to help off set her medical bills!

Our other co-worker, Michelle recently ran the marathon to help benefit Lauren. She entered her fundraising effort in The Classy Awards, an online voting awards program.

They won the Chicago chapter and now are in third place for the national contest and $10,000!

All you have to do to help is visit, scroll down to “Most Successful Fundraising by an Individual or Group” and vote for “Running 26 Miles to Help LC Beat Cancer.”

Don’t forget to hit SUBMIT at the top of the page once you’ve selected them! Voting ends tomorrow– so don’t wait!

Lauren is a HUGE inspiration to everyone who meets her. With our help, we can surely move her into first place!

Thanks guys and leave questions in the comments section.

The Path of Life

I’m in a deep-thinking mode this week. Nothing I really want to write about yet, so instead I’ll leave you with some images from our recent Cali trip that I love.

I hope you all are having a great week!