Dizzy Lizzy

I hope you are all enjoying your memorial day weekend. It’s been a slightly depressing one over here. We started off with a bang, enjoying a lovely dinner on Friday night and then attending a beautiful wedding on Saturday. Since Sunday morning though, I’ve been experiencing some terrible vertigo/dizziness/light-headedness.

I’m not sure what caused it – there was no specific incident – but I’ve been laying in bed most of the weekend trying not to move my head, which makes the room spin. I’ve been trying not to let my hypochondria get the best of me, including steering clear of Web MD’s symptoms checker.

All joking aside, I  think it might be an inner-ear infection. I’ve had one before and the I was dizzy then too. Hopefully I can get into my doctor and get it cleared up quickly, because right now I can hardly stand up-right without feeling nauseous!

Luke’s been taking care of me, which makes it a little better, and I’ve watched lots of movies (Couples Retreat = C-, It’s Complicated = B+). It still makes me sad that I missed pool parties, live band karaoke and shopping with my friends, but I guess everyone has to miss out sometimes!

Does anyone out there know of a way to get rid of vertigo? I’d really like to be able to get OFF the couch and cook supper for Luke!

PS- Thank you to all our troops, present and past, for serving our country! Your sacrifice is very much appreciated.

Anniversary Gift Ideas For Him

Earlier this week, one of my readers asked for anniversary ideas for her husband. I always find it difficult to buy for men, so I know the dilemma she’s facing!

I asked Luke to think of some ideas and here’s what he came up with:

For the coffee drinker:


a nice french press

For the Trendy Techie:


Shoulder MacBook Sleeve


Pocket Ipad Case


Leather phone case

For the Day Tripper:


5–Day Duffle


Leather passport holder

For the City-Man:


Vintage Field Army Watch


Aviator Shades



For the Outdoorsy-Type:


18-Tool Knife (a little scary, but Luke insists any guy would love one)


Light Down Jacket

For the Man-Foodie:


Interesting Whiskey (bottle can be engraved too)


Good Grilling Rubs


A Bottle of Scotch

I am also a big fan of DOING something together to celebrate an occasion. That could be a steak dinner, comedy show or weekend getaway…just something that give you some uninterrupted QT together.

What do you think? Any ideas you’d add? I’m interested to hear from the men – would you like to receive something on this list for a present?

Engagement Gift Idea

When Luke and I got engaged, I was  lucky to have my friends and family surround me with excitement and support. Looking back, those first couple weeks were probably when I needed them the most – having a new ring  on your finger and starting the wedding journey can be  a little bit intimidating!

I remember one friend in particular sent me a little congratulations gift, which I LOVED and use every single day. It was a tiny, silver elephant whose trunk was used as a ring holder. I remember it meant a lot to me that she had gone out of her way to help me feel special.

I was on Etsy the other day and came across these adorable personalized ring holders, that I had to share with you.


How cute are these? Any newly-engaged girl would probably just love this little, personalized home for her new bling, right?

Now will one of my friends PLEASE get engaged so I can buy this for them??

To Post or Not to Post

If you’ve been paying attention to the news this week, you may have caught wind of an article in the NY Timesthat caused heated debate about privacy on Facebook and other social media sites.

It got me thinking about sharing and over-sharing online. What’s ok to talk about and what’s private?

When Facebook first came out, I jumped headfirst into posting about my life with my “friends.” Being an angstful teen at the time, I didn’t think twice about sharing details about my relationships, grades and escapades with my friends.

My family couldn’t understand why I would want to “broadcast my life” to people. Of course, they were only concerned for my well-being (I definitely needed to censor more), but I remember having several heated arguments defending why I was on Facebook. Of course now they all have profiles and are catching on to Twitter.

When I decided to take it to the next level and blog about my life, I was happy to get mostly positive remarks about my sharing. People have told me that they’ve identified with my posts and have gotten some good ideas for meals or wedding resources. However, there has been the occasional comment about how I “share too much,” or “should think twice about posting details.”

Honestly though, I think writing about my life online has been a wonderful way to connect with like-minded people who have identified with what I’m going through. Nothing is better than a comments from an old classmate\colleague\or even stranger to find out that they read my blog and my posts has helped them in some way.  

I do have some guidelines though. When thinking about whether or not to write about something, I typically ask myself these questions:

  1. Is there a chance a reader will positively benefit from what I’m writing?
  2. Would I be embarrassed if my mother (or mother-in-law) read it?
  3. Is there anyone mentioned in the post that I should get approval from?

In general, I think that I err on the side of sharing vs. with-holding (like when I wrote about my underwear). I’ve seen people dealing with cancer, death, infertility and other life-alterning things, share their stories online and receive tremendous support from the community.

There is a fine line though, and I don’t intend on crossing it.

What do you guys think? What will you share or not share online? Do you think people need to censor their posts or do you want to read more?