Seasonal Affective Disorder – AKA I hate clouds

Something about cloudy weather brings my whole mood down. It seems the clouds have been chasing me the past two weeks and their gloomy existence has been seeping into my day to day life.

Here’s what it looks like right now. There’s a snow storm moving in (you heard that right SNOW!).

Ever since getting home from the midwest, I’ve felt down … tired … I guess you could say depressed. We had such a wonderful time seeing our family and friends that it’s hard not to feel deflated. Plus, I’m still on east coast time, so my sleep has been all sorts of crazy. I’ve been wide away at 5am every morning.

When I got back to work yesterday, things were a bit insane. I had 800 emails to sift through, four hours of meetings and bad news regarding the health of a colleague and the departure of another. It seemed like everything had gone to heck the five days I was out and I felt guilty for not being around to help.

Then to top everything off, it looks like we’re going to have to pull our offer on the short sale house we fell in love with. It’s been about two months since we put in our offer and unfortunately with our lease ending soon, we are being forced to sign another 6 month lease. We just can’t risk having to pay both a mortgage and rent.


Here’s hoping for sunshine soon!

Home Sweet Home

Ahhh…it’s so nice to be home. Even though the weather has been terrible since we landed – grey, rainy, cold, damp – my heart still feels full and happy being back in the midwest.

Our week started off busy. Lunch at Bob Evans with my grandpa, who made me giggle with his no-hold-back comments (like when my aunt asked him if he tipped the waitress more than 15% and he said “you gotta be kiddin’ me! She doesn’t deserve that much!”). I guess when you’re 90 years old, you’ve earned the right to tip what you want!

From there we attened the wedding of our friends Kelly and Schmidtty in Columbus. It was such a fun wedding! I danced almost every song with my girlfriends from OU and Chicago, while Luke chummed it up with their boyfriends. I may or may not have sent him on a mission to find out when those guys were proposing. Come on guys … we want more weddings to attend!!

Then I went straight to my best friend’s baby shower. She is so funny. I was giggling at her almost the whole time. We played a game where you had to match candy bar names up with events related to a baby. One event was “the moment you lay eyes on your baby” and the answer was “tear jerker,” except Julia had picked “pay day.” Her response to the funny looks was “well I’m planning to have a professional athlete!!” lol. Man I’m glad she’s my best friend.

The past few days we’ve finally had a chance to chill out when we got to Luke’s parent’s house in Indiana. Right now I’m sitting in their den, on the couch, with a soft quilt over me, still in my PJ’s with a cup of green and orange tea next to me. It’s raining lightly outside, making it pefect weather for watching all the brightly colored birds eat from Luke’s mom’s many bird feeders. So far I’ve seen a cardinal, a finch, a bluebird and many hummingbirds.

It’s very quiet here in the countryside of Indiana. I slept 12 hours last night. :)

Tomorrow we’ll head back to Ohio to spend our last few days here with my family. In true Cron (my maiden name) fashion, those days will be jam packed with lots of fun stuff. Dinner at the farmer’s market with my brother and his wife on Thursday, golf with my dad on Friday, wine and games at home with the whole family (sister gets in from SF) on Friday night, my sister’s baby shower on Saturday morning, apple picking on Saturday day and finally a big party at my parent’s house on Saturday night.

I’m trying to remind myself to take lots of pictures while I’m home. It’s funny. In Tahoe, all my pictures are of scenery – mountains, lakes, waterfalls, flowers, sunsets and in the midwest, all my pictures are of people – family, friends, pets. I wish there was a way to combine those two things. Such is life.

I hope you’re having a fantastic week wherever you are!

Technical Difficulties

So I was writing a post about Vegas and also my tragic hair shelf incident (see my Twitter feed for more on that), but for some reason I keep getting a server error when I try to upload pictures.

These stories simply cannot be told without visuals.

Alas, I will be trouble shooting and try to get the originally intended post up soon.

If not, I am leaving for vacation in Ohio for the next week or so and may or may not find the motivation to blog. I promise I’ll try to whip myself into shape when I’m back. :)

I should have some good content considering I’m attending a wedding, two baby showers, a party at my parents house and lunch with my soon-to-be 90 year old grandfather.

Enjoy your weekends/weeks and I’ll talk to you soon.

Go Bucks!

PS- if you can’t stand the thought of going a week without hearing about my incredibly interesting life, then I will be posting photos and status updates on my Facebook page. It’s open to the public, so you don’t necessarily have to be my friend. Although I’d like you to be.

In Which I’m SO GLAD I Don’t Have a Jealous Husband

Tonight I am going to Vegas baby!! I’m meeting some of my best college girl friends there for a weekend of dancing, sunning and maybe some shopping. There’s something so fun about a weekend with just girls and I feel like I’m long overdue for some ladies time.

My excitement for this weekend has been spilling out of me the past few days…I’ve been telling coworkers, friends, family…even my hairdresser about our plans for Vegas. One thing has struck me while talking about it though – it seems like a lot of people ask if my husband is coming or if he’s “letting me go” without him. And when I say “it’s just girls,” they immediately give me wide eyes and say “your husband must be upset, huh?”

The feminist in me wanted to say – “What do you mean is he “letting me” go? And why would he care if I spent a weekend with my girlfriends?” But I’ve just been smiling and saying that he is supportive of me going with friends.

These conversations have made me wonder…. do more relationships involve asking for permission to do things and dealing with jealousy than those that are based on mutual respect and trust?

Last time I was in Vegas with girlfriends I couldn’t believe the number of angry phone calls they got from boyfriends back home demanding to know why they didn’t call when they got home from going out. Dude…it was 4am and they probably just wanted to sleep versus getting drilled with questions!!

I’m not sure if it’s because Luke and I have:

A) never ever given each other a reason NOT to trust one another (and never will)

B) that we’re both independent people and respect each other’s need for time with friends


C) that we aren’t prone to jealousy

but the thought of him getting upset about me spending a weekend in Vegas with friends never even crossed my mind (nor his for that matter). In fact, there was no “asking” him permission to go…it was more like I told him I was planning to go and made sure it worked with our schedule.

And when he went to Vegas for his bachelor party, he never once got a call from his fiance demanding to know where he was, what he was doing and who he was with. All I wanted to know was if he was having fun and how much money he won at the black jack tables. :)

So what is the deal with all the jealousy that seems to abound when couples travel apart? Does it all come down to a lack of trust? And if that’s the case, why would you be in a relationship with someone you don’t trust or who doesn’t trust you?