Is He Plus-One Worthy?

 When you hit a certain age it seems like all of the sudden EVERYONE starts getting engaged or married. If you’re single, that means navigating the ever-awkward situation of finding a suitable plus-one.

Luke and I had only been causally dating for three months before I was the maid-of-honor in my sister’s wedding. I remember fretting to friends and family about whether or not I should invite him to be my date.

Would he think I was jumping the gun by inviting him to such a special family event or would he be hurt if I decided to go alone? It didn’t help that just a few weeks before his cousin got married and he DIDN’T invite me.

I eventually decided to invite him for one reason- I thought I’d have more fun with him around. It ended up being a perfect choice because he was the ideal date: he got along with everyone, didn’t need to be babysat and was attentive to me.

Here’s a picture of us right after I gave my MOH speech.


I was really nervous, but Luke was so sweet and kept rubbing my shoulders reassuring me that I’d do great. I wasn’t really surprised that he was a good date- he’d treated me so well from the beginning. 

Despite this WONDERFUL plus-one experience I had with Luke, I’ve also been in one that was not so pleasant. Previous to meeting Luke, I had dating a guy for 4-5 months when I got up the nerve to ask him to be my date to a benefit gala I helped plan.

He made up some excuse about already having plans to go see a “cover band” with his buddies the same night. Then when the night rolled around he ended up not even going to see the band because he “fell asleep.” LAME!

After realizing that A) he’d rather go see a cover band than spend the night with me and then B) it was all a big excuse in the first place, I was pretty  humiliated. Let’s just say the relationship ended soon thereafter.

So how do you know if the guy in your life is plus-one worthy? I’ve created a short checklist…

The plus-one worthy guy will:

– Call when he says he will and keeps plans

– Show an interest in things you’re involved in

– Make plans with you for events in the future (more than a week out)

– Put forth effort to get to know your friends and people important to you

The un-worthy guy will:

– Keep you feeling insecure by not calling when he says he will, not keeping plans and not living up to your expectations

– Only take you out during the week or won’t commit to anything on a weekend night until he knows there’s nothing better going on

– not seem interested in talking about your hobbies or interests if they don’t directly relate to him

– get two thumbs down from your pals because he doesn’t put forth any effort with them

So ladies, when your next wedding, holiday party or special event comes up, take a good look at the man in your life and evaluate his plus-one potential.

Leave some comments and let me know how YOU can tell if you’ve got a good plus-one.

My First Giveaway! Hand-Painted Earrings from Buenos Aires

TGIF everyone! It’s been so much fun writing this blog and I’ve gotten some great responses from friends, family and even complete strangers. I wanted to host a small giveaway to let you all know how appreciative I am of your support and advice.

While in Buenos Aires, Luke and I spent one day wandering a street fair in San Telmo. There were all sorts of interesting local crafts for sale, but these  earrings caught my eye.


(apologies the picture is so bad. I really need a better camera!)

They are hand-painted on a band of hardened-leather and were being sold by a young, twenty-something girl. I picked up a pair for myself and thought- “this would be perfect to use for a reader giveaway!”

Anyway, here’s what you need to do to be entered to win the earrings:

  • One entry:  leave me a comment on this post telling me where your dream vacation is
  • Second entry: tweet a link to this post (ccing @ElizCron)

I’ll choose a winner at random based on all the entries next Friday, Nov. 13.

Good luck!

Highlights from Buenos Aires

Well, we’re back from our awesome vacation to Buenos Aires! We had a wonderful time and thoroughly gorged ourselves on steak, wine and alfajores (delcious chocolate cookies filled with dulce de leche).

Despite not having many “sites” to see, Buenos Aires is a wonderful place to go for vacation if you’re looking to really imerse yourself in the local culture and live life like a Porteno.

During our nine days in BA, we quickly got onto the Argentian schedule- wake around 10am, spend a leisurely day walking around the city, napping in the afternoon, heading to dinner no earlier than 10pm and finally calling it at night around 2am! Being a night-owl, this schedule was ideal to me!

We also noticed some interesting things about the Porteno culture including:

– Living in the now. Since Argentina’s currency is not secure, Portenos are known for living it up while they can.

– The abundance of dogs. We regularly saw dog walkers tied up to 20 or more dogs at a time! And some walkers were specialized, only walking Beagles ect.

– The people are known for being “image-obsessed” and from what we saw, the majority of people were fashionable and skiiiiiiny!

– Their interest in psychology. Argentina has the most psychologists per capita of any country in the world! This article explains more.

– When Portenos greet each other, it’s always with a kiss on the left side of the cheek. Men even do this during business meetings!

– Their crazy traffic laws, or lack there of. No one paid any attention to the lanes and there were almost never stop signs at four-way intersections! No wonder they have some of the highest traffic-related deaths around.

– Hairstyles were very unique, with a lot of jagged short cuts featuring longer wispy strands of hair. It sort of reminded me of the rat tail or mullet. lol.

– Despite being known for their meat, Portenos rarely use marinade or seasoning on their beef. It’s usually just salted and then topped with different sauces AFTER being cooked.

We took a lot of pictures and video during out trip-  I pulled out some of my favorites highlights from our trip below.

Our first night we went to a Tango show at El Querandi.


I got into the Tango mood myself!


The next day we headed to a real gaucho ranch called El Ombu. Gorg, huh?

It was so cool, I got to get really close to some untamed horses including babies not even a week old!


It was Luke’s first time on a horse (even though he grew up in the country!) and his did not want to stay on the trail. He kept stopping off for a little snack.


After our rides, we were treated to an asado BBQ and some music from Oscar, the ranch’s head gaucho.


The next day we walked around the streets of San Telmo where they have a weekly street fest. I bought some cute earrings here that I’m planning to use for a giveaway, so stay tuned!


While walking around we happened upon an impromtu Tango dance. Love it!


Luke and I stopped off for a photo near one of the beautiful parks in Palermo.

Afterwards I got a close up of a sweet family of ducks passing us by.

Another day we took a cooking class “Cooking with Teresita,” which was in the home of the lovely Teresita. Here we’re making Chimichurri! I’m planning to post the recipe for next week’s Sunday Supper Series.


The asado cooking at Teresitas. We ate soooo much meat on this vacation!


Yup- this was our dinner practically every night. Good thing I like red meat!


With some empanadas of course!

Phew! That’s about all I have to report on our trip. I hope you enjoyed the video and pictures. We’d definitely recommend you all visit Buenos Aires- especially if you’re a foodie!

I hope you all enjoyed the guest posts from my wonderful colleages (and friends!) Jenn, Guth, Amy, Gloria and Thi. Thanks again guys!

Guest Post: DIY Details

As you suspected another one of Liz’s coworkers here :) I got married in June and continue to be obsessed with wedding details and was just the personal attendant and DIY helper for one of my best friend’s wedding in France! For those of you who think DIY is for the crafty girl who has too much time on her hands…think again! Yes there are some DIY projects you see in the magazines that would take hours and may end up costing more than just buying the item, BUT with a little creativity you can add some great personal touches that really make the wedding feel like you and you can save some money while you’re at it.

A few ideas:

  1. Welcome boxes- seeing all the beautiful welcome gifts for guests in magazines like personalized bottles of wine, entire city guides complete with gourmet gifts, etc can be inspiring until you price it all out. Yikes! I bought simple brown boxes from  (our go to source for all things packaging at work) complete with inexpensive crinkle paper and went to town at Costo- each box had a few granola bars, bags of pretzels, gum, bottled water and a map of Chicago we got for free. We also printed off simple circle stickers with our names and dates for the front. Each box had a “welcome” letter and we received many “thanks” for these little additions
  2. Activities for kids- again you can go all out but we just bought silver garden pails, put a few coloring books inside and some other $1.00 finds from Target to keep the little ones entertained
  3. Programs- My mom made my programs on her computer and printed at Kinkos, no need to have these embossed or anything crazy, it’s just the program! But they looked great. My friend Thi and I made the programs for Cailen’s wedding (don’t have a photo) but they looked beautiful and were done by hand.
  4. Placecards- for Cailen’s place cards we bought the business card size paper at Paper Source, and then used a stamp that cuts out corners in various shapes (from JoAnn fabrics) to make them look totally special, I hand wrote them and we tied them to little bundles of lavendar (she bought wholesale) after all we were in France!
  5. Jewelry- I make jewelry so I made my bridesmaids necklaces and also the necklaces for Cailen’s bridesmaids. A special touch and hopefully a gift they will wear again :)
  6. Favors- again we had lots of grand ideas for these, but ended up making a donation to my brother’s Peace Corps project in El Salvador, it ended up being much more meaningful than one more little trinket. However, we couldn’t resist doing the personalized match books with the eiffel tower since we were going to France for our honeymoon- we got them on sale at the Knot and they were great. They also came in handy for the cigar bar my dad set out for the guys

Below are a few photos from my wedding and from my dear friend Cailen’s wedding to show that a little DIY can fit in with any style from a city wedding (mine) to a cheateau in France. Enjoy!

fun for the little ones photo by Jeremy Lawson
the programs done on home computer and Kinkos photo by Jeremy Lawson

the programs done on home computer and Kinkos photo by Jeremy Lawson

check out the necklaces photo by Jeremy Lawson

check out the necklaces photo by Jeremy Lawson

place cards for Cailen's wedding photo by Punam Bean

place cards for Cailen's wedding photo by Punam Bean

necklaces for Cailen's bridesmaids photo by Punam Bean

necklaces for Cailen's bridesmaids photo by Punam Bean

donation in lieu of favors photo by Jeremy Lawson

donation in lieu of favors photo by Jeremy Lawson

matches photo by Jeremy Lawson

matches photo by Jeremy Lawson