Keeping Perspective

When you’re throwing a wedding for 175 of your nearest and dearest family and friends, it’s easy to let yourself become completely engrossed in the planning. You want every detail to be perfect. Every guest to be on the dance floor. Every picture to turn out exquisite.

I’ve only just begun planning my wedding, but already I’m finding myself poring over wedding blogs for a unique favor idea, staring at a spreadsheet of guests and creating playlists of songs to play. Sometimes I feel like I could spend all day every day plotting out the perfect wedding!

But I can’t. And I won’t. Because when I take a step back from the situation, I realize it’s one day and although it’s a very very special day to ME and those closest to me, it’s probably not that big of a deal to the other 90% of my guests. So I’ve made a vow to do everything I can to keep perspective throughout this entire process.

I’m going to continue to make time for my hobbies like playing volleyball, reading and singing in the choir. I’ll lean on Luke, my bridesmaids and family for help and not try to control every aspect of the planning. And above all I’m really trying not to become one of those brides who talks constantly about “the wedding.” I’ve been on the other side of that and it gets old fast. Sure if someone asks how it’s going I’ll get them up to speed, but mostly I’m going to direct them to read this blog.

My goal is to spend my wedding day relaxed and enjoying every moment, even if things don’t go exactly as planned. I think that will be much more likely if over the next eight months, I don’t devote my whole life to planning every little thing about the day. I hope this will also help me escape the dreaded post-wedding depression I’ve heard so many brides go through when they no longer have anything to plan.

I’ve asked Luke to help keep me on track, but I also need help from my friends, family and you my readers! So I’m interested to hear how you guys keep yourself from getting wrapped up in your own life? Especially when you’re planning something major like a wedding or birthday party? Any tips you can share would be appreciated!

An Unexpected First Kiss

My mother has always said “you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince.” Well in March of 2007, I was had just finished dating one heck of a frog! Just getting over my disappointment of another failed relationship, I was not looking to meet anyone new when I went to my friend’s birthday party at a local bar.

As I sipped my cocktail among my circle of girlfriends a tall, athletic guy caught my eye. “Who is that?” I asked the birthday girl. “Oh, that’s Batman.” Huh? “Yeah he works with me and his last name literally is Batman.”

Ok looking or not, I had to meet this guy with the super hero last name. My friend introduced us and there was immediate chemistry. Although we both were playing coy and working the room, we always eventually ended up “running into each other” and talking more.

After flirting outrageously for the last hour of the party, it was time to go. My friends were filing out of the bar and into a cab. Remembering the salty taste my last suitor had left in my mouth, I decided that I really didn’t need to start another romance and said goodbye to Luke.

As I scooted myself into the cab with my friends, they all looked at me with surprise. “What are you DOING?” they asked. I looked at them puzzled. “That guy is cute and he is into you! Get out of the cab now!” After being physically pushed out the cab door, I found Luke outside the bar.

“Do you want to go dancing?” he asked. Um YES! We found our own cab and began the short ride to a local late-night dance joint. Our conversation picked up effortlessly and our connection was sparking out of control.

 As I finished telling him about what I studied in college, the cab came to a stop at a red light. An awkward pause filled the backseat…eek! Suddenly, Luke locked eyes with me, leaned over and said “let’s just get this over with” before going in for the first kiss. Haha!

Who knew that funny first kiss would turn into an engagement? I just hope he doesn’t say “let’s just get this over with” during our wedding ceremony!

Growing Up- One Apartment at a Time

This past weekend I moved after living in my apartment for three years (no, I didn’t move in with Luke- we’re traditional). I’ve been looking forward to this transition for awhile since my old apartment had some major negatives like: tiny bedrooms, no grocery store or food options nearby and a long, frigid walk to the El in the winter. My new place is a step up all around- it’s in a better location, has a bigger bedroom and is a more convenient commute to work.

As I was packing up the last three years of my life – photographs, books, Halloween costumes…halloween 

…among other things – I couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic about what I was leaving behind. It was here that I festered over what clothes to wear to my first client meeting, participated in late-night dance parties, cried to my roommates when a guy stood me up and baked Luke his favorite oatmeal raisin cookies.

I did so much growing up while living on Wellington Street. I transitioned from a naive, college student with little responsibility to a hard-working, city-living adult, making important decisions.

But it’s not just me whose life is changing. My friends are also moving on to new phases. They’re buying condos, moving up the ranks at work, finding committed relationships and not going out NEARLY as much- although we rock out when we do!  

Although it feels like the end of an era in some ways, I’m excited about what comes next. All of the changes happening in my life and in the lives of my friends are good ones that will hope will make us happier and a little bit wiser every day.

The Move

For the first couple months Luke and I hung out we always ended up at a place where dancing was involved. Being the fun-loving people we are, we were more than happy to follow our friends onto the dance floor.  Although I was a bit busy trying to impress Luke and his friends with MY awesome dance moves (or as Luke says my “jumping around”), I started to notice a trend.

Given that he was still (I hope) trying to impress me, Luke would typically start off looking uninterested…only casually nodding his head to the music. As the night would go on and the music would get better, he’d slowly break out of his shell. Now there would be some actual moving side to side, some arm raises and even some hip sways. Each time, his dancing would slowly build up until it happened…..THE MOVE.

It took me two or three times to recognize that THE MOVE was a reoccurring thing. Not just some spur-of-the-moment jiration or passionate reaction to the music. This thing was pre-meditated. Planned. Maybe even practiced??

Regardless of the intent I was LOVING it. Here was a man confident enough to bust a move in front of all his friends AND the girl he’s newly dating without batting an eye. Not to mention the move successfully brought our two very different dancing styles together for one brief moment.

So guys…without further adieu…here is a description of THE MOVE.

  1. Lock eyes with your intended partner
  2. Move closer…but not too close
  3. Passionately grab her wrist, pull her close and throw her arm over your neck!
  4. Lock your arms around her and take in her awed expression