The Moment I Found Out I’d Be a Mom

Post written March 23, 2012

This morning I found out I am pregnant.

I had a feeling it was coming. We started “trying” this month and although I never thought I would get pregnant right away, my body felt different and I was four days late. I decided I was going to wait until the morning to take a test so I would be following the instructions on the pregnancy test to a T.

I woke up at 5:30 am needing to go to the bathroom. I think it was mainly in my head because I was so anxious to find out.

A few moments later, I sat on the toilet lid watching the pregnancy test like a hawk. Within a mintue or two there were two dark, distinguishable lines. There was no doubt…I was pregnant! I felt a rush of excitement and a smile permanently plastered on my face.

Luke was downstairs making his coffee. I walked into the kitchen carrying the stick and I set it down in front of him. I temporarily forgot that Luke is a man and would have no clue how to read a pregnancy test. He stared at it and asked me “what does this mean?”

And I blurted out “I’m PREGNANT!!!” With the biggest smile on my face I think I’ve ever had.

I immediately fell into his arms and burst into tears.

Luke wasn’t sure why I was crying. Crying to him means upset. He asked me “how do you feel?”

And I replied between sobs into his shoulder “I’m so happy!!”

And I meant it with my whole heart. I am so happy to become a mother. To start this stage of my life. To start a family.

The Best Weekend Ever

This weekend we got our first real substantial snow storm in Tahoe. 59 inches or almost 5 feet fell! The excitement over the snow got Luke and me so pumped for the weekend that we started dubbing it “The Best Weekend Ever.”

I’m not sure if it was our state of mind or just luck, but this weekend everything seemed to go right and it was indeed the “best weekend” I’ve had in a long time.

– I got home early enough from work to whip up a delicious dinner before bowling – mexican stuffed peppers
– We won our bowling league and I scored a weekend high 167 in the first game.
– Ohio University (my alma mater) defeated Michigan!!

– Woke up to four feet of powder! Made it to Heavenly for almost first-chair and skied knee-deep snow all day. (only fell twice and it was in soft, soft snow)

– Got home totally exhausted by 3:00 pm and watched Indiana (Luke’s alma mater) beat VCU!
– Went to all-you-can-eat sushi with Luke’s brother and gorged ourselves on delicious maki rolls

– Went to bed really early and got a good 10+ hours of sleep

– Woke up to another foot of new snow! Went “stash hunting” (looking for untracked snow) in the trees at Heavenly for a few hours before our legs went out
Heavenly tree skiing
– Came home and Luke whipped up delicious egg and bacon sandwiches for lunch
– Watched Ohio University beat South Florida! BOBCATSSSSSS!!!
– Ate the most delicious meal of the weekend: roasted pork belly with veggies. Amazing!

pork belly recipe
– Watched Eastbound & Down by the fire with a glass of wine
– Went to bed by 9:30 pm

From the looks of my Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Instagram feed it looks like most of my friends/family were also having the “best weekend ever!” with the warm weather, St. Patrick’s Day parties and awesome basketball.

Here’s to recognizing how awesome your life is right in the very moment!


Why I Love My Valentine

If you read this blog, you probably already know how much I adore my husband, Luke.  But here are some of the specific things I love about him that you might not already know. I love that…

He is strong.

He is silly.

He loves nature.

He looks good with his shirt off, but gets embarrassed when I tell him so.

When he laughs, he laughs with his whole face.

He does things he normally never would to make me happy.

He eats like a man.

Babies love him.

He cleans up well.

He rocks a side part and looks good doing it.

And finally, I love that he makes my heart flutter every day.


Wanting It All

This weekend was a disapointing one. I was set to go home for my godson’s (my best friend’s son) baptism in my hometown of Toledo, Ohio. It was short trip, just Fri night – Mon am, but I was so excited to get just a few days with my family and best friend. I haven’t seen any of them since September.

Unfortunately snow in Chicago caused my flight to be cancelled on Friday and the earliest they could get me into Toledo was 11pm on Saturday night. Since I had to leave Monday, it just wasn’t going to work out. I decided to refund my money on the flight to use for another time when I can stay longer.

Driving away from the airport, I had tears in my eyes. Situations like this, when I am missing something important to the people I love because of distance, makes me feel terribly homesick.

I still haven’t figured out a way to balance the amazing lifestyle we have here in Tahoe with the distance it puts between us and the people we love.

On one hand I imagine us starting a family out here and not having anyone there for first birthdays or baptisms or summer days at the beach. That is so sad to me.

On the other hand I imagine life in Ohio and see jobs we aren’t excited about and a lifestyle that is missing on all the things we love to do like skiing, hiking, being on the lake etc.

I want it all and that is impossible it seems.

When I got home, I found Luke sitting on the couch by the fire. I curled up in his arms and told him about all the worries I was having. He let me talk it through and empathized with how I felt. I appreciated that he didn’t try to “find a solution” but instead just said:

“Babe – there’s just no way to know where life is going to take us right now. But I do know that life is about being happy and we’ll do whatever we need to do to feel that way. So let’s just see what happens and not worry too much about things down the line.”

Then we talked about how I could go home more often to see my family and to make sure I’m able to be there for special moments I don’t want to miss.

I love that just when I’m feeling sad and filled with worry, Luke is able to calm me down and help me see that nothing is permanent or binding. And that together we’ll figure it out.

I feel like having him by my side is going to mean that I will always be able to be happy no matter where we are.