10 Reasons Americans Rock

I love the fourth of July! Between the hot dogs, fireworks, parades and bbq’s, this holiday represents everything that is amazing about America. In honor of our great country, I’ve created a list of MY top 10 reasons why being an American rocks (in no particular order).

1. We root for the underdog. Sit with a group of American’s during the NCAA tournament and you’ll likely find 75% are rooting for that no-name college team who is on a hot streak beating top ranked dynasties.

2. We get to live in an absolutely beautiful country. A drive across the US will show you dry desert, rocky mountains, flat plains, sky scrapers and beaches. Just in Tahoe alone we have lake, forest, desert and mountains.

Source: http://www.annexation.ca

3. We dominate in sports. Let me rephrase. We dominate “real” sports. I’m sorry, but it’s true. My British friend once tried to argue that England beats us in rugby. My response was – “well if you took all our Football players and had them play Rugby, you wouldn’t stand a chance.” He didn’t have much to say. :)

4. We believe in “The American Dream” Even in tough economic times, the American Dream still lives on. Personally, I love that I live in a place where the opportunity to “make it big” isn’t perceived as impossible.

5. We have pride in ourselves. From New York City to small midwest towns, people in America have so much pride for their communities. It’s amazing. Just watch this video the city of Grand Rapids, MI made after being named “a dying city” by Newsweek. 3.4 million views on YouTube later, I think Newsweek may have to reconsider!

6. We’re allowed to say what we want. While I completely disagree with the actions of groups like the Westboro Baptist Church, I am happy that we live in a country where freedom of speech is respected and protected to ensure we never stifle public debate.

7. We like beautiful things. Okay, so this one is a little shallow, but you have to admit American’s like to look at beautiful people doing beautiful things, and I think that’s just fine. There might be one thing we enjoy more, and that’s beautiful people doing something ridiculous. Oh Britney…

8. We stand up for what we believe in. If we feel in our hearts that something is right, we’ll go to great lengths to defend our beliefs. We don’t always agree with each other, but you have to admire people’s dedication to their principles.

Source: gretchendrewphotography.com

9. We aren’t perfect, but we’re forgiving. We’ve seen our fair share of mess ups from people who are supposed to be leading our country, but we always find a way to give them a shot at redemption and ultimately forgiveness. I guess I like that about us. :)

Source: Washington Post

10. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. There certainly is no shortage of slightly embarassing American stereotypes, but we don’t let that get us down. In true patriotic form, we take those stereotypes, have fun with them and end up starting international fads. The Situation loves him some America!

Source: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com

So in honor of all that is great in America, I hope you eat too many brats, crack a cold one and celebrate decked out in red, white and blue with the people you love the most.

What do you love about Americans?

My 5th Grade Dreams Realized

When I was younger, I used to dream that one day I could put my tallness to use as a model. Poor 11 year old me was so tall and awkwardly skinny (5’9 and 105 lbs  in 5th grade!) and the only hope I thought I had at feeling pretty one day came when nice adults would say “you should be a model, you’re so tall!”

Eventually I grew into my height (thank goodness!) and started to love the view I got from above.

Well, last week I got a chance to live my 5th grade fantasy when Luke and I acted as “models” for a photo shoot to promote weddings at Heavenly (where I work).

While getting his photo taken is right up there with getting a tooth yanked, Luke indulged my excitement about getting some new photos of us in our wedding attire and agreed to be the handsome groom. What a guy. :)

Our foray into modeling wasn’t quite as glamorous as what you see on America’s Next Top Model (I did my hair and makeup with a work friend in the bathroom of a Seattle’s Best Coffee at 7:00 am), but I have to admit it was fun to have another day where I felt beautiful in my wedding dress with my guy by my side.

Here are some of my favorite shots taken by the incredibly talented Kurt Larsen Photography and his skilled assistant, Britta, who I work with at Heavenly.

Heavenly is a truly amazing place to hold a fake wedding, so I can’t even imagine how wonderful it would be on your real wedding day! Riding the Gondola, taking photos 10,000 ft high overlooking Lake Tahoe and then having a reception in a building as rustic and gorgeous as Tamarack Lodge would make for a seriously memorable wedding.

To learn more about booking a wedding at Heavenly, click here. And to book Kurt for your wedding, engagement or any other photo opportunity, click here.

Disclosure: I work at Heavenly and was compensated for my time during the photo shoot.

Ladies First…

This weekend my friends Molly and Molly came in town (Molly sandwich!) from the Bay Area. We had a great time in Tahoe exploring some hidden beaches, hiking, rafting and attending the Reno Rodeo.

We were having fun taking in all the action – cowboys lassoing cows, carnival rides, tons of fried foods, rodeo clowns….it was quite a scene!

About mid-way through the night, Molly #2 left us to go to the rest room. When she returned, she had the cutest story to tell.

Molly was standing in line for the bathrooms when she noticed a small boy (about five or six) standing with his mom, behind her. The boy was jumping up and down like he was trying REALLY hard to hold it.

When they got toward the front, Molly turned around and asked him “Do you want to go ahead of me?”

The boy’s mom looked at him and said, “Honey, is it an emergency?” The little boy shook his head and said “No, I’ll be okay. Thanks.”

Molly smiled and turned back around.

Then she heard the boy say, “Mom, it really is an emergency, but, you know…ladies first!!”

Molly about melted where she stood from the cuteness. When she told us the story, we couldn’t get over how adorable this little guy’s display of good manners was. Especially since we have seen many grown men who don’t think twice about cutting in the bathroom line in front of a woman.

Major kudos to that kiddo’s parents. I hope that little boy manages to keep his manners intact as he gets older, because I think most women agree – a man with manners is a BIG plus and hard to find these days!

Have you witnessed a display of good manners lately?

It’s My Birthday!

Today I turn the big 27!

I woke up feeling very blessed to have live 27 years of sweet, precious life. Honestly, every days feels like a wonderful gift – especially this past year. I’m living in the most gorgeous place I’ve ever been, working in a job I love, meeting all sorts of new people, trying new things and best of all, doing it all with this man by my side.

I don’t need my birthday to come around to feel special. He makes me feel that way every day!

Today will be a fairly low-key birthday, which is fine with me. I’ll work, take a lunchtime walk in the sun, talk to my friends and family on the phone and enjoy a special sunset dinner overlooking Lake Tahoe with my love.

A perfect day in my book.

Thank you in advance for the birthday wishes! All of you are special to me. :)